The Overlooked Link: How Sexual Health Impacts Mental Wellness
It’s Sexual Health Awareness Month. You may not have heard about it, as we’re still treating the topic of sexual wellness as a secret, or a topic not to be discussed in mixed company or public, or if you’re old enough, not at all. However, not having healthy discussions about sex has an impact on our mental health. I don’t think it’s healthy not to have discussions, so I want to discuss it. By it, I mean the profound connection between sexual health and mental wellness. Let’s get into it.
For decades, we’ve treated our sexual lives and our mental health as separate entities, addressing them in isolation and failing to recognize their intricate dance. Today, we’re going to unravel this complex relationship and explore how our sexual satisfaction — or lack thereof — can significantly influence our overall mental well-being.
I’m going to attempt to take you on a little journey. This journey will take us through the corridors of neuroscience, the landscapes of psychology, and the intimate spaces of our bedrooms. By the end of this post, you’ll understand why prioritizing your sexual health isn’t just about pleasure — it’s about nurturing your mind, fostering resilience, and cultivating a more fulfilled, balanced life.