How AI and Machine Learning Will Shape the Future of Urgent Care

Shereese Maynard
6 min readApr 26, 2022

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing the face of healthcare. From diagnostics to treatment, AI and machine learning play an increasingly important role in helping doctors deliver better care to their patients. But what about urgent care? How will AI and machine learning shape the future of urgent care? Let’s look at how AI and machine learning are being used in urgent care today, the benefits and challenges of using these technologies, and the future for AI and machine learning in healthcare.

Introducing AI and machine learning in healthcare

Urgent care facilities are under increasing pressure to provide high-quality care cost-effectively. Many urgent care providers turn to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to meet this challenge. AI can help Urgent care staff make quick, evidence-based decisions about patient care. Machine learning can be used to develop predictive models that can help urgent care providers anticipate the needs of their patients and proactively manage the risks associated with Urgent care visits. By introducing AI and machine…



Shereese Maynard
Shereese Maynard

Written by Shereese Maynard

Digital Health Professional. "Health IT Strategist | @BeckersHealthcare Top Women to Know | Speaker & Consultant | Helping Healthcare Innovate & Succeed

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